Welcome to Ditchfield Editorial. My name is Andrea Ditchfield. I offer a professional and reliable proofreading service to publishers, academics, independent authors, businesses and private clients. I also provide academic manuscript editing services to authors wishing to submit to academic journals.
I am a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and, as such, I abide by the CIEP’s Code of Practice.
Why proofreading is so important
Grammar and punctuation mistakes, typos and consistency errors in any type of written material are both distracting and irritating to the reader. As an example, for a business, mistakes such as these are embarrassing, can be costly and can give your clients the impression that you are careless and unprofessional.
An experienced proofreader brings a fresh pair of eyes to your document and will spot any annoying errors and inconsistencies straightaway.
I can provide you with a friendly, professional and efficient proofreading service that aims to make your text error-free, clear, consistent and suitable for its intended audience. The following are just some examples of the types of materials I edit:
- Books (fiction and non-fiction)
- Academic manuscripts
- Business proposals and reports
- Magazines and newsletters
- Websites
- Posters
- Promotional materials
- CVs and cover letters
Please contact me for a free no-obligation quotation and to discuss your project needs.